Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I Kill Plants

I kill plants unintentionally. This is not even funny anymore. My mom and dad stopped in to visit on their way home from South Carolina and they saw my office and my mom thought it would be nice to have some plants to brighten it up. So we bought two plants. I swear on all that is holy that the plants were in beautiful shape when they left Monday morning. I was supposed to water them once a week. It has only been two days. I made sure to open the blinds when I left my place so they could get some sun. I've been waiting until it warms up to bring them in to the office because I was worried the cold might kill them. I'm doing everything right, I swear. But one plant is already dead. Not just sick....it is completely dead and wilted and turning brown after just two days. It used to be a big bushy green shamrock type thing, and the only explanation I can think of is that shamrocks die right after St. Patrick's day.....either that or I have a dark and evil gift.


Blogger Mr. Apple said...

I thought the javex would kill the germs that might attack my plant. Why does everything have to be so complicated?

3/25/2006 8:17 PM  

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