Wednesday, February 22, 2006

My Motto

My motto is: "operor non tractare faecis vos operor non volo ut tractare"

Today I was stressing out about this course I'm taking. There is a problem set every week and they take a long time. It wouldn't be so bad, except that I have other work that has to get done, and it was hard to see when I would have the time to do it all. Then I realized I was ignoring my own motto and decided to just audit the course instead of taking it for credit. You see, I don't have to take it....I just wanted to take it because I thought it might help me with my research. But auditing the course gives me a decent overview of the material, and if anything looks particularly pertinent or interesting I can easily investigate it further on my own. Why put myself through hell (via problem sets) if I don't have to? There is no good reason, and like I always say......"operor non tractare faecis vos operor non volo ut tractare" (don't do shit you don't want to do).

Now, if you are the type of person who is so lazy and unmotivated that you would go without showering for a month or let your children live in squalor because you didn't feel like doing the basic day-to-day maintenance activities expected of most breathing adults, then my motto is probably not for you. You are probably a worthless hippie and find it challenging enough walking from point A to point B without wandering into traffic....I would therefore suggest constantly raising the bar rather than trying to do less. With work you may be able to keep yourself washed, clothed, and fed on a semi-consistent basis. But for the rest of you:

Friends want you to go out to a boring dinner or crappy bar when you're tired?
operor non tractare faecis vos operor non volo ut tractare!

Boss want you to take on extra work as a favour?
operor non tractare faecis vos operor non volo ut tractare!

Kids want you to buy them expensive cellphones or trendy electronics?
operor non tractare faecis vos operor non volo ut tractare!

Significant other pressuring you to propose?
operor non tractare faecis vos operor non volo ut tractare! (times 10)

People bugging you to bone up on your latin grammar?
operor non tractare faecis vos operor non volo ut tractare!

Every day Mr. Apple is teaching you.......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

check it out, it's cool...

2/24/2006 5:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is an apples worthy post.

2/25/2006 10:55 AM  
Blogger Mr. Apple said...

that transformer thing is pretty neat...but do you suppose it's real or just stop-motion animation?

2/25/2006 6:54 PM  

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