Sunday, December 04, 2005

A Message from the Editorial Board

Dear Readers,

We here at Apples Over America (AOA) value diversity of opinion. Debate is both healthy and useful. However, every once in a while we on the Editorial Board are unanimous in our opinion and feel sooooo strongly about an issue that we decree an "AOA official position" on said issue. This is one such instance.

This man is both ridiculous and thoroughly unlikeable:

It speaks volumes about "democratic" politics when a man like this is given the leadership of a national political party over Bill Blaikie. The reason it speaks volumes is not so much that Bill Blaikie would have been a better choice for Canadians (he would have), but rather that the NDP actually made the 'right' choice by installing him, because more people will vote for this shallow, pandering, chest-beating, Napoleonic caricature than they would Blaikie.

But as some Chinese guy once said, "the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step", and so we here at AOA have issued a moratorium on all NDP voting until Jack Layton resigns, and we urge our readers to do the same. Thank-you.


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