Saturday, December 02, 2006

Very Interesting Stuff at the Liberal Leadership Convention

So there have been two ballots - and we're currently down to three decidedly unimpressive candidates. Ignatieff is still in the lead, but I really can't see any scenario where he gets 50% + 1. It's basically between Rae and Dion, but since Kennedy has thrown his support to Dion I think he will probably be the next leader. My buddy at the convention is a Dion supporter, so he will be very happy.

Would Dion have a chance to beat Harper? Yes, I think so because les Quebecois will vote for him. He definitely has a better chance against Harper than Ignatieff, but as crazy it sounds I think Rae would have the best shot. Will anybody west of Ontario vote for Dion? The guy can barely speak English. His environmentalism is not going to resonate with voters the way everybody seems to think it will. If I were a Liberal delegate right now who wanted to win the next election, I'd hold my nose and vote for Bob Rae.


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