Saturday, June 02, 2007

I kind of feel like partying

Here is an interesting empirical observation I have made:

The closer a grad student is to graduation, the more likely he or she is to get married. Now of course, as you get older the likelihood that you would be married goes up...but I'm pretty sure grad school amplifies the effect to a huuuuuuge extent. So many friends of mine are married or getting married as they approach the end of grad school. Why? I don't know. I guess when you're finally 100% finished school you feel it's time to move on and get responsible and be an adult and start a life etc... but frankly the sheer prevalence of the effect worries me. I thought I was getting close to finishing, but do I have to marry someone before they let me leave? Or am I kidding myself when I think I can finish in about a year? Is marriage a sign that you're smart and wise and responsible enough to move on? I could be in serious trouble folks.

Don't worry though. I have a backup plan.


Blogger Dexter said...

Monsieur Pomme,

Don't worry, getting married is not a sign of maturity or graduation worthiness or even basic intelligence. Look at Brit Brit and KFed. Although I would totally bestow an honourary PhD on KFed in the field of Sponge-ology.

6/03/2007 9:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Apple, I heart you!
Any girl would be lucky to have you log on and order her.

6/04/2007 9:43 PM  
Blogger J Tyson said...

Maybe it's the reverse. When you get engaged your girlfriend makes you write up your thesis and graduate. Or in Andrew's case, she attempts to make you graduate before the wedding, at least.

6/09/2007 2:50 AM  
Blogger Mr. Apple said...

Good point Jon. Maybe I don't need to get married and just need someone to nag me. Nagging=success.

BTW, my credit card got rejected when I tried to order my bride. Who knew beautiful Ukrainians commanded such a huge finder's fee?

6/09/2007 3:25 PM  

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